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About Service Dogs

Service Dogs are always spayed or neutered.

Service Dogs only wear flat, buckle collars, never any kind of training collar.

Service Dogs learn everything by being given treats and love, they don't need training collars or corrections.

Service Dogs always wear vests.

Service Dogs are always Labs, German Shepherds, Goldens, or some type of doodle.

Service Dogs need to be large breeds – over 40lbs – to do their jobs. Small dogs can't be Service Dogs.

It's okay to stare at or baby talk a Service Dog as long as you don't try to pet him.

Service Dogs are certified. There is a Service Dog registry.

A business can ask for proof that the dog is a Service Dog.

A business can ask why a person has a Service Dog or what medical condition they have which requires a Service Dog.

Service dogs are always trained by charity organizations.

You can easily find a dog in a shelter who will make a great Service Dog.

Service Dogs are not allowed in public areas if it could affect people who have allergies.

Service Dogs are not allowed in areas where food is served or prepared.

Someone who needs a Service Dog never goes anywhere without that dog.

A business can ask that a Service Dog wait outside a public area as long as the person is allowed access.

A business can never ask a Service Dog to leave, even if the dog is out of control, barking or lunging at other dogs or people, or the dog eliminates in an indoor area.

A Therapy Dog is a Service Dog.

An Emotional Support Dog is a Service Dog.

Emotional Support Dogs should be allowed into areas where pet dogs are not allowed.

Please note: EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE ABOVE I​S A MYTH! NONE of them are true!


Service Dog Info Center

Heel More, Pull Less

Alexandria Dog Training Company

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