Kane is a shelter dog from the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria. He's getting training through the Alexandria Dog Training Company and learning manners to help him find a home. When he was surrendered to the shelter, he was completely out of control, jumping up to tear clothing and constantly grabbing at hands with his mouth. The shelter couldn't even offer him for adoption due to his intimidating behavior and the shelter staff was considering euthanizing this young dog.
Take a look at how he's doing now in the video below.
Kane showing off his basic obedience exercises: heel with automatic sit, sit and down stays, down from a distance, come and sit at your side. Kane has just started learning the drop-in-motion exercise where he does a drop, then returns to a moving heel position. He's also mastered out-of-sight stays (not on the video). He can even work around distractions (see pigeons below!) in Old Town with people walking by or inside a local store with so many distracting smells and sights. Such a good boy!

Kane working on stay outside the Torpedo Factory on the waterfront in Old Town. The pigeons on the dock behind him were a huge distraction.

Kane doing a sit-stay. And hoping for a treat!