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Pumba practicing his obedience inside a shop. This is what the heel, stay, down from a distance, and come exercises should look like. (Unfortunately, the video won't enlarge any more.)

***** 100% recommend! We are new dog owners and adopted a rescue dog that had virtually no training. Sue has helped us tame our "wild beast" (she is a sweet 16lbs) and also educated us on all things dog (food, treats, schedules, health, etc). She comes to our house for training and is extremely patient with us and our little pooch. We are still working with Sue and look forward to how much more our doggie will learn!

~~ T&B G

***** Really good training, service and concern for dogs. Wanted my dog to learn just a couple task related to walking. The methodology, classes spacing and information provided let me learn all I needed to work with Paris. Wanted her to walk with me vice being the rider on her dog sled walks. She walks next to me now. Learned a couple extra things and all at home on a schedule I could make. You cannot go wrong using Alexandria Dog Training Company.

~~ Jim Walker

**** Brilliant concept. Sue is the original "dog whisperer" with an uncanny ability to bridge the emotional, social and communicative gap between dog and and human. She found what she loves and calls it work.

~~ P.C.

Heel More, Pull Less

Alexandria Dog Training Company

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